Clear and transparent guidelines for cross border psychosocial and legal assistance provided by ISS Members
Since 1924, for 100 years, ISS has provided psychosocial and legal assistance on an individual case-by-case basis to children and families facing social and legal difficulties across borders.
Cross border casework represents the main activity of ISS. ISS has acquired strong expertise and experience in assisting and counselling individuals, mainly children and families, facing complex situations with an international component. With members across the world, ISS is able to draw together information and perspectives of all persons involved, thus providing a better overview of the options available to children, families, and individuals concerned, enabling them to make the most appropriate and informed choices.
The ISS network also ensures that it has the capacity to provide coordinated international assistance by establishing a link between social services, courts, and other relevant authorities and agencies in different countries. ISS provides them with accurate and comprehensive information and support in order to propose the best solution for all stakeholders involved. In addition, the cross-cultural dimension of ISS enables the organization to understand and interpret diverse international, regional and national regulations, systems, cultures and customs.
In August 2023, ISS has updated the ISS Manual for ISS Caseworkers, providing clear and transparent guidelines regarding ISS methodology and procedures to strengthen their expertise in handling intercountry cases.
ISS strives for excellence. By learning from its experiences and developing good practices, ISS will continue to be an efficient organisation, delivering timely services to the people they serve.